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"Relationships are at the root of who we are as people...", said a student who tested this proxe at Sonoma State University in California, and they are right. We were created for relationship--relationship with God and with one another. The Crucial Relationships proxe helps students understand that God wants to fix the most crucial relationship first, the one with Him. And then through using the paralytic passage in Mark 2, students understand that it happens in the context of community.
Panel 1: Crucial Relationships options Panel 2: Positive or negative examples Panel 3: Mark 2:5 Panel 4: Four Circles SIZE: 30"x 40" ($60) priced per four panel set. TO ORDER: Staff Store. Email with specific customizations, early orders.

BACK: InterVarsity Logo in White
SIZES: all Men's and Women's
TO ORDER: Staff Store

FRONT: What crucial relationship do you want?
BACK: Mark 2:5 SIZE: 5”x7”
TO ORDER: InterVarsity Store $5 for 50
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View all Crucial Relationships resources
Teaching and Training Materials
Crucial Relationships Proxe Script
Crucial Relationships Pocket Proxe Script
Crucial Relationships Training Powerpoint
Crucial Relationships Training Document
Crucial Relationships Discipleship Cycles
Four Circles Pocket Gospel
Proxe Station Training Video
Pocket Proxe Training Video
Crucial Relationships Tent Set-up Instructions
How to Wrap Proxes on Foamboard
Crucial Relationships Catalog Sheet
Crucial Relationships Social Media Plan
Crucial Relationships Poster Blank: 11 by 17 in.
Crucial Relationships Poster Blank: 8 1/2 by 11 in.
Crucial Relationships Social Media Pack
Crucial Relationships Graphics Pack
Crucial Relationships Backpack Banner
Crucial Relationships Powerpoint Template
Slate Postcards
Glitch 8.5 by 11 in. Flyers
Glitch 11 by 17 in. Flyers
11 Steps to Great Follow-up
After NSO Follow-up Video, Part 1
After NSO Follow-up Video, Part 2
Crucial Relationships Contact Card
Crucial Relationships Large Group series
Crucial Relationships Small Group series
Talk outlines and ideas for a four week large group series to use with the Crucial Relationships Proxe.