Old Testament Overview Pt. 5

The Old Testament is compiled of many books and authors. Despite having different contributors, the theme and direction of this collection of books are all the same: a holy God seeking out a fallen people in order to reconcile them to himself. Ultimately, this theme leads us to the person of Jesus who redeems the world and fixes the broken relationship between God and people. During Samuel's time as Judge for Israel, the Philistine threat grew increasingly serious. Israel demanded a new form of leadership to rule and unite the people. Three forms of leadership were recognized during this time after Samuel: Kings, whose role was to care for the physical and spiritual well-being of the nation and acted as a representative of God to the people; Priests, who served in daily worship and represented the people to God; and Prophets, who were called to be God's mouthpiece and represented God's word to the people. The Israelites split in two and became Israel in the north, and Judah in the south. Eventually Israel and Judah became a puppet-state for Babylon; but even though their authority was significantly diminished, kings, priests, and prophets still led Israel and Judah until 587 b.c. when Jerusalem was destroyed, the people deported, and the land left a wasteland.

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